Friday, May 7, 2010


Michael and juanita were genna go have a date  after the basketball. There were genna  start in the morning. Then  juanita told him to come for a drink at her house at 3 pm. Then he went to see go see her  after the game. Then he went go play   with laker  there were close game. then in the last game the bulls won the game by 3 points.  

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Michael was try win all the games. There were close game with Cleveland there were tied score. Then the Cleveland foul Michael when he drive in and trying to make the basket there series game was 2-2 then the 3 game the Bulls made slaughter the cleveland on the 3 game. then the last game the bulls won the game. Michael was try to dribble fast and run so when he get really tired then cause he wants to set down for while. Because he keep dunking the basket never stop cause he want to win all the games.  

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Michael was in in the hosptil  to see the kids. He was playing with the kids. While his leg is really bad. Michael gave the a outgragh  on a paper. There were lots of little kids that were sick. He was taking a break of the basketball. Because he wants to play with the kids. Then later Michael gave them  $15.000 so they could food for there self. Then he went to the playoffs. there were playing pistons. Michael scored 63 points in the game. The other team had to double gaurd him. Bcause he was really good at dunking. They said he would jump higher to dunk the basket. There 50-32 record. they said there good for there second place for the season. there were playing with the cavs. The bulls lost 2 games and the cavs won  3 times. michael made lots of points. Then the coach told him to set down for while because he was really good had the game. then when they went in the lacker room michael almost got hurt cause he keep dunking. The coach told him  to team work not one man.  Then they beat the cavs by 12 points. THE END 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

hancock movie story

Talk About SuperPowersIf I had a super powers, I would have. I would save people if there something wrong in the store and I would put the bad guys in jail and the police would get do happy about me and they would take a picture and they I would be in the news paper and when they need help I would here them when they say my name when I am flying around the world they would call if there is a emergency doing bad stuff or stealing at the store. spider man has a web he always here people. When people scream for help. He was flying really fast. Then he went over really fast before they go away. They go to jail cause there were bad stuff in the store. About hancock he always drink and people wake him up he would take a bottle drink it  Take it with when he fly around and there were a bad guys in the cars they would Shout him in the head or in body and when police get mad at him and then he goes to the Stage and say sorry to people. And then he goes to jail. For putting the car up the Antenna. Then when the police took him out of the jail they tell him to go help the police. then When he went home he was drinking with friends. Then after that he went to sleep then When he woke up he run out of bottles. Then he went to go get some when he to hospital He went to go check somebody who was hurt. Then when he got a fight with his x wife There were flying around the city. Then when they stop the women and his man were talking together. He said he didn’t know it was his wife then he said don’t tell people about he girl after that. They were getting weak and he was bleeding on his body he was trying to get away from the girl cause he was getting stronger. He was trying to chase the girl. Then they talk about it.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Michael was injured. His foot was broken and he couldn't play for 6 week. He was complianing about the game because they lost 4 games in a row. He was just watching his team play. He said he wanted to play. Then went to the nurse to check his leg if it was good. Then they told him to play until janury. He said he was mad the cast. Because it was hurting him really bad. Then when he walks around is leg would be harding. Then in feb he was practicing with the college player. There were playing three on three. They said it was is first time dunking he went over two people. Michael was playing seven minutes a game. There were trying to beat the Bulls. Then the bulls went home. Because they lost four games cause Michael was playing seven minutes a Game. Because of his right leg was broken. Then the celtics were ganna vs  LA laker. The celtics won the game by one point  larry bird made 54 points in the game. Michael had broken leg. He had to walk around so he could play the NBA. Then was practicing in tribbling in the gym. then  when larry bird came in gym they played one on one michael said he to hard to gurd him they had to doumble gaurd him cause he could make all the shots.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


michael jordan is trying to win the game  and is making the most points. There were leading 2-7 the coach said they need more running in practice to win the game.  So  when they went home. They run hard in the gym. Then the coach said jump higher. There were close game with lakers. Then they won the game.  

Michael said when he played with cavs they  said he fall on the floor cuase he tried   

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


michael is playing in the collage basketball.  They are not trying to lose to game so they win the all the game buzz  peterson told not to play cause he got hart on is knee. There were behined by 3 points then when michael played he was doing lots of dunks. There were team working. finlly won the games by one point. Then they played with the  cavs. He said he was just playing is high school year. there were unbeatable they keep winning the games. He went to NBA games with others team. Hh was making the most points in the nba.       


 When they played with the collage basketball there were close with the other team. Then they lost the game by one point. Michael was playing hard to catch up with his team. So they can be close game then later on they lost the game again. Then Michael moved to NBA. when he played He dunk two person. His coach was really happy. Then he was being embarrassing by the people. That didn't want to play because is dunking or something then when he said he don't want to lose the game again like when he was in collage. He keep dunking. Then he won all the games with lakers. 


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Michael and his friend Buzz Peterson there were playing team Buzz was playing hard so he could get good in NBA. After high school he would always go to the gym practice with the coach. Then the team said he needs to grow a little bit more they said he is only five foot tree inches then when he went to collage basketball in 1981 after two year he went to NBA. Michael was talking about drugs and alcohol were bad there parents tell him not to do bad thing while he is playing NBA.

Chapter 3

Friday, April 23, 2010


Michael was playing base ball. He like to play so he could win the game. There coach said if you guys win the game. He would let them have  steak partty at his house. Then when there were done playing baseball Michael would always play ball with his father and whoever wants to vs him. When they play by there house. They said they lost by four points nobody couldn't make a home run. That why they lost the game. then when they played agian they won the game by three points. 

by his house he made basketball court for his kids he only made the half court for the kids. Then three days later he made a full court. Then micheal was still in school. the boys would laugh at him because when he plays he would take his toung  out the girls didn't like him. then when to the nba court the team were over six feet tall and micheal was five feet tall. When he goes to practice he would always dunk with his freind larry they were playing team. Then when they played at school there were close game.            chapter-1-2 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

post office

In the post office that’s where they check there mail to see if they get money or get a box from a friend. Annie would stack then mail  up for the castomer. Then put them in the box. Because they want money and they hace to pay phone bills  and light bills she send to anchorage. Then some people would send stuff to there friends.   

kasigluk store

In the store there lots of people  would buy lots of food and clothes and some of the people would be working because they want money when they work. They would stack the foods, pop candy. When the stuffs come in from anchorage or bethel. Then when it on the end of the mouth they put them in half prize. And lots of people go buy lots of food cause when half off they would get really happy even in hallween they have to use mask to get half off.

fox lake

In winter some people would go riding  then they would try go jump around try to tricks in the soft snow because they want to break there snowgo  and waste gas. Then before spring time they would go hunting to catch ptarmkens and some of people would catch lots when it warm out side. Then in summer people bird hunt. They would bring there four wheels to nanvarpak because there lots of  geese and granes. Then some people would go run around in the hot day and there lots of little birds  by the lake.

community center

At the the community center when the costomer comes over to do something like selling stuff or give a away lots of cool stuff. Then lots of people would go over there to get sun glesses or glesses. Then when they have yupik dance. They have lots of people  dance and lots of little kids run around the building then the person would tell them not to play in the building cause they could break something. Then when they have cake walk. They would be lil bit people in the building and some of the would lots of cake. Bingo they would have lots old people in the community they would play 6 games to try win money or prize.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How to be good student in akula tundra fox

When u come to school you have to be on time to go class. Can’t not hit teachers when go in the hall your not to run in the hall.  Not to yell in the hall. When theres lots of people  in the hall. Can’t play in the bathroom when you need to use the restroom.  When your in the class you got to listan to your teacher. You can’t not hit your teacher. Can’t call names to the teacher. Can’t slam the door when you go to the class  you have to be good to oher student. When you lunch you have to poilt to the cooker you got to say thank you when your done eating. When you go to ohers classes you have to be respectful in your class.  you have  get your  can’t play around in class can’t not talk to other student when there busy. Can’t not sleep when your teacher is talking to the students or when they are hleping you. When they give you work you  have to get it done before end of class.  Or you have to stay in after school. When he tells you. When your not done with your work. Then after your done with your work you can do other things.  


When people drinks some people get really crazy and when they don’t listan to other people. They would call the police. The drunk man would walk  away and go drink somemore. Then when the police come get them. They would bring them to  jail for one day. Then they go out of jail they would do it again and they would get drunk again and when the police see them again there genna go jail for one mouth and they would go treatment  so they won’t drink no more so they won’t go drink and Drive. They can go to treament for drink and drive  and they could stay in jail for long time until there really old or when they died  then when they go back to there home somebody would tell him if he wants to drink again  and he said  no he walked away from his friend. He was where are u going he said iam going home.

Not smoking reason

            Make your loungs really bad  and they can get cancer from smoking or there toung can get really yellow if you smoke lots of times. Then you can die from it and when the other people are smoking and a kid is by the smoker they can smell it they could get cancer when the smoke is going to the mouth. When the adult is smoking and when they grow up. They would wanna start smoking like there dad. Then when they get older they would buy pack of ciggarettes. Then  they would die from the cancer.

Dominic,william and i were hunting

            We went hunting by four wheel. We went passed 5th lake there were lots of geese,  we wanted to hunt somewhere, so we went  to put the decoys into the lake. I was using 16 Gage, Dominic was using 12 Gage, and William was using 20 Gage. Then we were waiting for the birds to come here. Dominic was calling out birds because there was only one flock coming close to us, and we shot them. We missed the birds because they got scared. When we waited for the other birds to come close to us. Domininc caught one when we went to the lagoon. There was a lot of birds. We went down by the trees to wait and see if the birds would come back. After that we went home, and then later on Domininc went back hunting with other friends. I went to look for them. They were walking by Nunvarpak. They said it was boring. There was no birds flying because it was windy.  The birds landed near the lagoon. When we went riding around the birds were flying because we weren’t hunting. They started flying everywhere because it was night time. We went four wheel riding with lots of people. Last but not least, we went home because it almost curfewe.


            I went hunting with Jonthan active was using 12 Gage, Babylou was using 12 Gage, and  Manuel was using 16 Gage we went by  fourwheel  we went to go the big lake if there was a bird but there wa s none because it was windy and kinda raining and boring and when we saw some birds there coming close to us it was fun. We all missed the birds there were only 4 birds. When we were waiting for the other birds to come. Babylou  was calling birds. Manuel was calling birds. When there were flying  to kasigluk because it was really boring and cheap. Then when we went somewhere elese there was a birds coming tourch us  and then Jonthan shot one. The he let one fall down. Then after we were staying if the other birds come. Then we went  home around  9 something cause it was getting cold. Then went home by four wheel.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Most Embarrassing Moment

Keeping the score while there were  having Men & Women's games there lots of people and some people would laugh at me. I don't know why cause of my brother there was a missing number and we made a number with our hands. because the mens were close game. Then when there were done playing the kids would be running around. Some of people would go to the student store to buy food ,pop and candy. Then in bit the mens would play and the ruffs would tell the parents to hold the kids. Because the ball players would get the kids hurt when they run around the gym while they play. If they dont listen to parents they would go home. then when there doing the price like trying to make a basket to get pop or candy.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


1.700.000 People leave in mecca they use white clothes and some people sell good stuff so they could get money for there own house.  There lots of people standing up.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Willam and I went hunting by snow-go there were lots of ptarmigan. We were catching lots then later on  their were four away then we went back to fox lake to check if were birds. Then when we went their were lots of birds. then we were shooting them. then we missed them. then we went home it  was almost 8 pm. 

How to hunt ptarmigan:
we  go by snow-go so look for them when se some they would be walking. Then we  go close to the bird then  we use a 22 rifle. when its warm out side it would time to hunt so the birds wont fly away.  But there lots of people riding around trying to find ptarmigan.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


On Friday I went to my cousin's house. Then later on we went to Camai with my sister we went by car.  Festival where there lots of dancers.  There were lots of people watching the dancers some dancer were cool. Its was eight dollors to go in for adults. some people were selling good stuff the yupik arts. some people were funny while they were dancing. i was having fun and met lots of friends. 

Monday, March 22, 2010

matthew henson

Matthew Henson's  mother died when he was very young. After she died, his father moved his family to washington D.C. Then his father died when matthew was only eleven years old. the uncle with whom he lived  was so mean to him that matthew ran away from home. He was only thirteen years old.
He had no place to go, so he found a job at a small restaurant, and the owner took pity on him and let him sleep on the floor of the restaurant at night. 
next a sea captain hired him to work on the ship. during the next few years he sailed around the world, learned to read, and learned about ship and navigation. 
at one point when he was between voyages, he worked for a man who owend a store which sold supplies to men embarking on exeditions. This where he met robert peary.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

In alaska the lowest temperature  in  January. 23 , 1971   -80.  It was really cold out side in winter there lots of people were being cold  when there working or going snow go riding  and they would get frost bite on there face.  the man as ice on is face and really cold trying to get warm. 

About the baby and the girl  getting cold out side.
In  canada 
the 26 years old mother was in the house sleeping all day until 3 pm then when she woke up she found a girl outside with the baby they were laying down in the cold the mother called the police. the police said  the girl was not in bed. 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Character from a movie

About cory he would be staying home and be in his room and go on his computer doing something with his friend. Then when they go to the school the other people would talk in the hall way with Cory. Then then dad would be cooking for the president houses.  Sophie would be bosy to cory cause he wants to be friends with her. Then cory would get kinda mad at her cause she got no friends to play with. Cory's dad would be helping  out. Then Cory's others friends came and talk about something.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Anne Frank is...

Anne frank: 
  • june.12.1942
  • sunday june 14,
  • she was writing about her birthday  she got 8 presents blue blouse game grabe juices puzzel of clod cream and she got a 2 book and a card  she had a good good birthday  she think she didn't had a good friend.  she jewish  
  • jewish cant go any where  jewish were for sports 

  • she said she only met joclan  she was bored she said no freind 
  • she can call 30 people about her freind.    her grandma 
  • she like to play ping pong with her friends.