Monday, March 22, 2010

matthew henson

Matthew Henson's  mother died when he was very young. After she died, his father moved his family to washington D.C. Then his father died when matthew was only eleven years old. the uncle with whom he lived  was so mean to him that matthew ran away from home. He was only thirteen years old.
He had no place to go, so he found a job at a small restaurant, and the owner took pity on him and let him sleep on the floor of the restaurant at night. 
next a sea captain hired him to work on the ship. during the next few years he sailed around the world, learned to read, and learned about ship and navigation. 
at one point when he was between voyages, he worked for a man who owend a store which sold supplies to men embarking on exeditions. This where he met robert peary.

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